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 1. The way of the Heart

2. The path of Chakras

3. Trinity

4. Pyramid

5. Stone labyrinth

6. Venus flower

7. The layers of Time and the Eternal now, Marko Pogacnik

8. Caravan park

9. Energy

The initiator of this PROJECT IN PROGRESS is Elvira Isasi.

The project begins in 2004 and subsequently gains the support of her good friends:

Mona Bineck, Gundula Harlang, and later, Margan Kalb.

It all starts with the purchase of a plot of land on the slope of Mount El Caracol, which forms a triangle with Mount Cardon and Mount Tirba. Attracted by the power of this constellation, Artistirma's vision is realized.

Using resources of all kinds, energy in the form of creativity, manpower, people and ideas,

a jewel was created in the midst of Fuerteventura's semi-desert.

In geomancy we deal with the subtle levels and dimensions of the earth, people, other beings and existence in general.

The earth expresses the different levels, e. g. visibly above the topography, but also in invisible energy streams, power centers of different qualities, emotional consciousness of space...

Geomancy tries to explore the influence of this event on culture, tradition, historical events, social forms, legends and people in their daily lives and to point out the necessary changes or developmental steps and to put them into practice.

People have always felt power-giving places and landscapes, worshipped them as holy and cultivated the quality of space culturally.They have gone to the magically attractive or brightly lit places.

They honoured the forces and the subtle and visible landscape phenomena.

In this way, they made them more accessible and clearly perceptible. At these holy places/landscapes they built their cult centres such as stone circles, temple buildings..., later cherries.... which were then cultivated by selected people and rituals.


All the stone structures erected by human beings in such places then act like sound spaces, which are strengthened by the sacred activity of human beings. Similar to the belly of a guitar as resonance space, the sounds, the music and the language of the earth can be clarified. The increased vibrations have been consciously integrated into human life and activities.



The way of the Heart

Ascending the path to the finca, approaching your home, and following the trail of hearts,

you leave the outside world behind you.

Along the way you will find as many hearts as you need so that when you reach your destination,

your heart will smile in gratitude for the openness of your interior.

May this path envelop your soul and open and caress your heart.


The path of the Chakras

The chakras path on the grounds of Artis Tirma extends from the entrance up to the main house.

This is when a string of steles, which are held in the colors of the chakras. Starting at the entrance are the colors chosen according to the lower chakras and the subsequent shown to the end point.

This path is taken an "energy control system" basically. The path forms an energetic analogy to the energy centers in the body based on their color and their effect, but at the same time it is also a control system in the dark by the integrated solar lights. So it is possible to explore the area at night,

it is particularly charming under the full moon to see the different stone settings in a different light.


TRINIDAD is a steel floor sculpture, composed of three concentric circles.

Three rings and in the center of them there is a circular stone on which nature has drawn a perfect circle.


The stone comes from a trip to Findhorn, a meditation center, in northern Scotland.

Elvira personally brought the stone with her.



The sculpture has a diameter of 3 meters, the THREE is repeated as an allusion to its title.

Trinidad means (lat. Trinitas; altgr. Τριάς Trias). Christian theology describes the unity of God's nature in three persons or hypostases. These are called "Father", "Son" and "Holy Spirit".

At the same time it expresses its distinction and its indissoluble unity.

These three significant rings are not accidentally located in the entrance area of ​​the main building of Artis Tirma, but are intended to provide the visitor with light and harmony, guaranteeing energy at the entrance of the house.


It is also a tribute to TIA TRINI, whose full name is Trinidad.

Elvira's godmother, she lived with her until she was 97 years old.

So we have here again the THREE: the sculpture, the spiritual reference and the tribute to a strong woman who played an important role in the development of Artis Tirma and who is also considered an example of determination, discipline and love.


The pyramid project was created in its basic structure in 2004. The starting point was a hole dug in 2005,

a cylindrical shape dug into the ground with a diameter of 9 meters.

Throughout the year, various fire events and rituals were held here.

The project also addressed the exploration of basic geometric shapes, circles and squares, from which the pyramid approach was developed with the help of an architect friend.

The geometry of the pyramid in the Artis Tirma project corresponds to the proportions of the pyramid of Cheops.

Therefore, optimal energy work is possible indoors.

A tunnel connects the pyramid with the adjoining study garden,

as unity and transit between the spiritual and creative forces in man.


It has 65m2 and 7.70m at its highest point.

Stone labyrinth (Click here)